Schedule ‘S’ has been in existence for a number of years, however, there still seems to be some confusion with regard to the scope of use.
Schedules S-B and S-C are not to be confused with the British Columbia Building Code and Vancouver’s Building Bylaw (together, the Code) mandated Letters of Assurance (LOA) and are not intended to be submitted to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). There may (or may not) be reasons for them to be called for by a project’s Registered Professionals of Record.
The Vancouver Island Branch is organizing an evening get-together to review the scope as defined in Practice Note 16 of February 2017 issued by AIBC and EGBC.
The workshop format will be a presentation, however, the invitation is to interact and discuss any issues experienced by practitioners or other agents confronted with these schedules.
Intended audience: Architects, engineers and building officials.
Presenter/Facilitator: Thor Tandy P.Eng, Struct.Eng, Principal Engineer at UNISOL Engineering Ltd
Date: Tuesday, February 19
Time: Networking 5:30 pm; Presentation at 6:00 pm
Venue: Comfort Inn, 3020 Blanshard Street, Victoria, BC V8T 5C7
Cost: Free for members and guests of SEABC and AIBC; pre-registration required
This workshop will NOT be available via live webcast. The seminar slides will be available on the SEABC website after the event.