The Certificates in Structural Engineering Program offers courses on a wide range of structural engineering topics.
In addition to promoting obtaining the Certificates in Structural Engineering, we also welcome auditing of courses:
- Credit: Take a course with the goal of obtaining the Certificates in Structural Engineering.
- Audit: Take a course to expand your knowledge, without the requirement to be evaluated.
Minimum requirements to obtain the Certificates in Structural Engineering
Each student must pass 12 courses; at least six of these must be from the list of core courses. The balance of the courses may be from either the list of core courses or elective courses. The passing mark in each course is 68%. Given that the purpose of the program is to help develop professional structural engineers, we encourage students to achieve at least a 75% mark.
Requirements for auditing courses
Auditing a course requires regular class attendance. Audit status will not be granted where this requirement is not met. Auditing students are not required to (but are welcome to) take examinations.
Core Courses
- C1 Analytical Methods in Structural Engineering
- C2 Effective Structural Modeling
- C4-1 Introduction Earthquake Engineering and Seismicity
- C4-2 Advanced Concepts in Earthquake Engineering and Seismicity
- C5 Topics in Practical Structural Design
- C6 Dynamic Analysis of Structural Systems
- C8 GeoTechnical Aspects of Foundation Design
- C10 Design of Foundations and Earth-Supported Structures
- C11 Timber Design of Light Residential and Commercial Buildings
- C12 Practical Design of Reinforced Concrete
- C13 Structural Steel Design for Buildings
- C50 Highway Bridge Loading and Load Rating
- C51 Bridge Analysis
- C52 Bridge Conceptual Design I
- C54 Seismic Design of Bridges
- C55 Practical Topics in Bridge Engineering: Core Bridge Topics
- C56 Practical Topics in Bridge Engineering: Asset Management & Supplemental Topics
Elective Courses
- E1 Masonry Design of Buildings
- E5-1 Seismic Design of Concrete Buildings
- E7 Seismic Strengthening of Existing Structures
- E10 Structural Analysis Fundamentals: A Refresher
- E11 National Building Code (NBC) Part 4 - Structural Design
- E12 Design of Steel Structures for Seismic Resistance
- E13 Computer Software Applications In Structural Engineering
- E14 Prestressed and Post-Tensioned Concrete Design
- E15 Applications of Dynamic Analysis for Seismic Design of Structures
- E16-1 Introduction to Cables and Cable Systems
- E16-2 Cables and Cable Systems 2
- E16-3 Cables and Cable Systems 3
- E21 Design of Two-Way Slab
- E22 Introduction to Heavy Timber Design
- E23 Performance-based Seismic Design of Buildings
- E24 Introduction to Port and Marine Structures
- E25 Structural Health Monitoring
- E26 Long Span Bridge Cable Systems
- E27 Seismic Isolation & Supplemental Energy Dissipation for New Buildings
- E28 Design of Multi-Storied Concrete Buildings
- E29 Python for Structural Engineers
- E30 Soil-Structure Interaction in Earthquake Design: Theory and Practice
Course Descriptions
C1 Analytical Methods in Structural Engineering
This is one of two courses intended to provide students with practical and effective means of analyzing a wide range of structural forms. This course will develop the student's ability to solve common structural analysis problems using strength of materials and approximate methods. The focus is on simple hand techniques that will provide the student with the ability to perform analyses for preliminary and conceptual design and to verify the results of direct stiffness and finite element models.
Selected Topics:
Beams on elastic foundations; frame analysis by moment distribution method; analysis of braced frames; shear and flexural deformations of walls and diaphragms; modeling building cores; lateral stability of columns and beams; strength and stiffness requirements of bracing; cables and tension structures; flexible piles and footings; shear lag; eccentric loads on welds, bolt and nail groups.
C2 Effective Structural Modeling
This course will develop the student’s ability to solve common structural analysis problems using commercial frame stiffness and finite element software. The focus is on building efficient and effective computer models that are truly representative of a structure’s behavior under loading. Access to a standard desktop computer is required. Students will receive version 10L of S-Frame® software (limited capacity educational version) by S-Frame Software Inc. as part of the course materials.
Selected Topics:
Frame analysis concepts; introduction to the finite element method; frame structures; walls and diaphragms; roofs, floors and slabs; beams on elastic foundation; foundations and soil-structure interaction; special material property considerations.
C4-1 Introduction Earthquake Engineering and Seismicity
This course covers fundamental concepts of earthquake engineering and will provide the student with a background necessary for understanding and performing seismic analyses and design of building structures covered in other courses of this program.
Selected Topics:
Causes and effects of earthquakes, how earthquake forces are developed and resisted; seismic response of simple structures and the concept of response spectrum; seismicity of Canada, earthquake hazard, background of uniform hazard design spectra; design philosophy (ductility, seismic vs. wind effects); fundamentals of dynamics for multi-degree-of-freedom systems; NBCC seismic provisions – base shear formula; seismic force distribution; torsional effects; soil effects on seismic response; irregular structures; parts of buildings (nonstructural elements, pipelines); diaphragms and their effect on seismic response, modern technologies for controlling the seismic response of structures.
Pre - Requisite: C6 Dynamic Analysis of Structural Systems or evidence that the applicant has taken an introductory course on structural dynamics
Recommended reference text: Elements of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, by A. Filiatrault et al, 3rd Ed. Presses Internationales Polytechnique, Montréal (Québec) Canada
Access to Maple Flow is recommended for class assignments and projects.
C4-2 Advanced Concepts in Earthquake Engineering and Seismicity
This course covers advanced concepts of earthquake engineering and will provide the student with additional knowledge to perform seismic analyses and design of building structures covered in other courses of this program. Course Pre-requisite: Course C4-1
Selected Topics:
Seismic Hazard Analysis Concepts (Deterministic and Probabilistic), Basic Modeling of Structures for Seismic Analysis, Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis, Nonlinear Dynamic Response History Analysis, and Soil-Structure Interaction. For each topic to be discussed, the theory behind the concept will be introduced and explained first, and then illustrative practically-oriented examples will be presented and discussed.
C5 Topics in Practical Structural Design
This course provides an overview of comprehensive conceptual structural design from the perspective of several Senior Structural Engineers. These carefully selected engineers have vast experience in the structural design of different types of buildings and structures across North America. Conceptual design is part of the initial conversations between design teams and respective clients. It generally involves basic calculations and practical decisions/recommendations.
This course will be taught based on a new concept that delivers information to students resembling the real interaction of Senior Engineers with New Engineers inside a structural engineering office.
Each Lecture will be presented by a local expert covering basic issues that could impact a project later on and will include real solutions that have worked on multiple successful projects. Case studies of real projects will be presented during each lecture and some lectures will include hands-on calculations for basic dimensioning of structural components based on requirements of local building codes and standards. Experts on their field have selected important topics to be covered during this course.
Selected Topics:
This course will focus on knowledge transfer and will showcase different points of view coming from different structural engineers. Some selected topics to be covered during the term are:
- Minimum requirements for a Conceptual Design and Review - EGBC Quality Management program
- Conceptual Design from the client's point of view
- Conceptual design from the Architect's point of view
- Tips for dimensioning foundation and considerations of SSI
- Preliminary Design of Core Walls in Buildings
- Preliminary Design of superstructures in Highway Bridges
- Conceptual Design for Seismic Upgrades of Existing Buildings
- Conceptual Design for Steel Buildings
- Sizing and preventing issues in concrete slabs
- The importance of space in unit layouts, parking, and other amenities
- Conceptual design for Mass Timber buildings
- Conceptual Design of conventional timber structures and key components
- Conceptual design for Parking structures
- Conceptual Design of a Typical Structural System based on American codes/standards
C6 Dynamic Analysis of Structural Systems
This course will provide participants with an understanding of the fundamentals of structural dynamics and the application to dynamic vibration and earthquake load analysis. Dynamic analysis is the preferred method for earthquake loading in the British Columbia Building Code and the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code, and modelling and analysing structural systems with commercial numerical software is common in Structural Engineering Practice. The material covered in this course will provide participants with the information and skills required to knowledgably use and independently check computational models.
Selected Topics:
Response of structures to earthquake ground motions; Response Spectrum Analysis; Modal Analysis; Single degree-of-freedom dynamic response of elastic structures: equation of motion, free vibration, harmonic and impact loads; Multiple degree-of-freedom dynamic response: matrices equations of motion, mode shapes and eigenvalue problem; Introduction to inelastic systems and non-linear dynamic analysis; Fundamentals of numerical evaluation of dynamic response; time-history response analysis.
C8 GeoTechnical Aspects of Foundation Design
This course is intended to provide the students with an appreciation of the issues involved in design and construction of foundations of structures. Students will be required to undertake geotechnical design of shallow and deep foundations, and retaining structures for conditions typical of BC Lower Mainland soil conditions. Both Working Stress and Limit States design approaches will be discussed and seismic design issues will be included. The course is delivered through lectures, case studies, and home assignments.
Selected Topics:
Topics will include: Characteristic behaviour of soils; site characterization and assessment; site preparation including ground improvement; shallow and deep foundation design for ultimate and serviceability limit states; temporary and permanent retaining structures; soil-structure interaction; specification of foundation construction.
Textbook: Foundation Design – Principles and Practices, 2nd Edition. Donald P. Coduto, Prentice Hall, 2001 (
C10 Design of Foundations and Earth-Supported Structures
This course will examine several types of foundation, earth retaining structures, and underground structures. For each type of structure, theory and philosophies underlying the common design methodologies will be presented, along with practical design and construction procedures.
Selected Topics:
Soil specifications, Geotechnical Aspects of Foundation Design, Shallow Foundations - Design, Code Provisions Review, Rafts, Mats. Simplified Analysis and Computer Solution, Deep Foundation (Piles) Design Principles, Earth Retaining Walls, Slabs on Grade, Industrial Floors Design Aspects, Seismic Design of Foundations, Underground Structures.
C11 Timber Design of Light Residential and Commercial Buildings
The course is intended to provide the students with the skills and knowledge required for effective design of timber buildings using the Canadian Wood Code O86-14 (Update 2). The course covers the key design concepts and procedures for wood design and illustrates the application through design examples and case studies of typical residential and commercial buildings. This course is delivered through lectures and home assignments.
Selected Topics:
Introduction to timber construction; timber properties; design of key timber and wood frame elements: joists, beams, columns, walls, wall plates, decking and sheathing; Glulam and engineered structural members; trusses; connection design; seismic design – flexible vs. rigid diaphragm, distribution of seismic forces, design of shear walls and their components; analysis and design of residential buildings with examples - layout, practical considerations, wood shrinkage, etc.; analysis and design of commercial buildings, including an example of a small building – layout, practical considerations.
Prerequisites: Course is directed towards structural EIT’s with minimum 2-5 years local experience in structural consulting including the ability to compute code loads and analyze structures; engineering of at least 1-2 construction projects using wood frame is mandatory
C12 Practical Design of Reinforced Concrete
This course provides students with the practical skills and knowledge required for effective design of reinforced concrete building elements using the Canadian concrete code and to prepare them for carrying out assignments in a design office. A strong emphasis will be placed on practical thinking and simplifying design approach. Basic knowledge of mechanics of reinforced concrete is required. The course is intended to enhance the students’ knowledge by presenting issues, design requirements, design procedures, and actual examples on several selected topics commonly encountered in building designs. Emphasis will be on practical aspects of non-seismic design and detailing. Homework assignments will be given. Reference Texts: "CSA Standard A23.3 Design of Concrete Structures" and "Reinforced Concrete Design, a Practical Approach", (second edition) by Brzev and Pao.
Selected Topics:
Specifications; reinforcing steel detailing; flexural design; beams and one-way slabs; deflections; slab bands; shear design; torsion design; building walls; tilt-up panels; columns; footings; shear friction reinforcement; anchorage and splices.
C13 Structural Steel Design for Buildings
This course is intended to provide students with the skills and knowledge required for effective design of steel buildings using Canadian Limit States Steel Standard CSA S16-14. The course is intended to promote better understanding of the structural design considerations of steel buildings.
The course covers aspects of structural steel design that are fundamental for those working in the structural design field. Topics including conceptual design of steel framing systems, steel decking, open web steel joists and HSS trusses, miscellaneous metal. This course will concentrate on the gravity design and lateral design for wind and low seismic. Seismic design using capacity design principals is not covered in this course. Where possible, current design practice will be demonstrated using worked problems including weekly home assignments. The course is approach is design rather than analysis. The course is fast paced, and students should have taken a previous steel course.
Possession of the CISC Handbook of Steel Construction 11th edition (2014 edition) is required. Also required is a copy of Structural Steel for Canadian Buildings: A Designer’s Guide (3rd Edition), which is available from
Selected Topics:
Advantages and disadvantages of structural steel, material grades and section availability, basic beam design, steel deck design for vertical loading, roof deck, composite floor deck, design of roof beams for wind uplift, ponding, snow drifting, conceptual design of steel framing systems, framing for openings in floors and roofs, framing for plan irregularities, beam holes, stability issues, cantilever beam stability, Gerber framing system, open web steel joists, hollow structural section trusses and frames, HSS connections, composite beams, vibration analysis, columns, column base-plates, beam-columns, connection design for the design engineer, field services and shop drawing review, miscellaneous metal, lateral design for wind and low seismic. S16-19 and NBC 2020 will also be discussed.
Course Outcomes: After taking the course participants will be better equipped to do structural design using structural steel. They will better understand the complete process of steel building design from conceptual design to field services
C50 Highway Bridge Loading and Load Rating
This course focuses on the general highway bridge design loadings and bridge load rating in the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code. The course will provide the students with an understanding of basic loads, an introduction to complicated loads, the development of load factors and load combinations for design and the background/basis for bridge load rating and why it differs from new design. The students will come away with a basis for the appropriate application of loads, load factors and combinations for the design of highway bridges. Specific emphasis will directed at highway bridge design loads and load rating per Chapters 3 and 14 of CSA-S6-14.
Selected Topics:
Ultimate Limit States, Service Limit States, Fatigue Limit States, load combinations, load factors, permanent loads, transitory loads, exceptional loads, truck and lane loading, dynamic load allowance, barrier loads, superimposed deformations, temperature, wind loading, water loads, ice loads, vessel collision, construction loads, evaluation and rehabilitation loading.
C51 Bridge Analysis
his course focusses on bridge analysis for different types of loadings. The course will provide the students with different bridge analysis tools starting from the basic to the more advanced. The students will come away with practical insights into the level of complexity of analysis required for different tasks. Emphasis will be laid on live load analysis per chapter 5 of CSA-S6-06 as well as stability analysis.
Selected Topics:
Needs and goals for structural analysis, Influence lines, Simplified hand checks for simple beam type bridges, Modelling in different phases and for specific effects, Camber calculations and construction load analysis, Live load effects on statically determinate and indeterminate systems, Simplified code distribution for live loads, fatigue and vibration analysis, Grillage and finite element analysis for live loading, Stability of struts and beams, Stability of assemblies and finite element analysis, Lateral load analysis, Substructure analysis. NOTE: As structural analysis software will be used for this course, SAP will be provided without cost for the duration of the class for those who do not currently have access to such software.
C52 Bridge Conceptual Design I
This course focuses on bridge conceptual design in a problem-based learning environment; the ability to analyze bridge forms is assumed. The course will provide the students with insight into the development of solutions to highway bridge problems. Emphasis will be placed on exploring the considerations that influence bridge configurations. The students will come away with basic ability to create bridge concepts and improved confidence in tackling routine highway bridge design tasks.
Selected Topics:
The history and development of commonly used bridge types. Basic bridge economics. Code requirements, functional and operational requirements, influence of hydraulics and materials. Influence of seismic response, seismic systems, integrity and vulnerabilities. Creating a highway bridge layout. Erection engineering and influence on design. Design-build project bridge case history. Interactive problem-solving workshops.
Pre-requisite: Some basic familiarity with structural concepts. Students should also have 1 to 5 years of bridge design experience or have passed C51 Bridge Analysis course.
C54 Seismic Design of Bridges
This course focuses on seismic design and analysis of bridges. The purpose of the course is to provide practical knowledge and explore tools that enable engineers to carry out seismic design of bridge structures and geotechnical systems according to the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code. Performance-based seismic design philosophy, performance objectives, and various seismic design approaches available to meet the set performance objectives will be explored. The course will include introduction to seismic hazard, seismicity in Canada, and seismic hazard analysis as it relates to bridge engineering practice. Seismic modelling and analysis of bridges using response-spectrum analysis and pushover analysis along with the analysis requirements in CSA S6:19 will be presented through detailed examples using common commercial analysis tools (CSi SAP2000 or similar). Geotechnical seismic design and analysis module of the course will include introduction to soil-structure interaction, geotechnical seismic design requirements in CSA S6:19, and introduction to site-response analysis. Other topics presented in the course include introduction to base-isolation design and seismic evaluation and retrofit of existing bridges.
Selected Topics:
Performance-based design philosophy, displacement-based design, force-based design, elastic design; seismic design process in CSA S6 and conceptual design; capacity design; introduction to seismic hazard and seismic hazard analysis, 5th generation vs 6th generation seismic hazard models; seismic modelling and analysis of bridges, modal analysis, response-spectrum analysis, pushover analysis; geotechnical seismic design and analysis of bridges, introduction to soil-structure interaction, specifying and modelling p-y springs, damping; geotechnical seismic design requirements in S6, geotechnical seismic hazards, kinematic loads and combination with inertial loads, introduction to site-response analysis; seismic detailing requirements of reinforced concrete bridges; introduction to base-isolation design for bridges and CSA S6 requirements for isolation bearings; introduction to seismic evaluation and retrofit of bridges.
C55 Practical Topics in Bridge Engineering: Core Bridge Topics
Course C55 and C56 are intended to cover smaller bridge topics (i.e. joints, bearings, etc), none of which are suited to a full-length course on their own but useful when combined. Potential topics were finalized based on an industry survey conducted in January 2021 and, given the high interest, two courses in “Practical Topics in Bridge Engineering” were developed. Note that, while the two courses are intended to be complimentary, one course is not a prerequisite for the other. Each class will be led by a different instructor, a local specialist on that class topic.
While intended for bridge engineers with 1-5 years working experience, we expect many aspects will be relevant to bridge engineers of all experience levels. Students are expected to have access to key course materials including CSA S6:19 Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code through their own means.
Selected Topics:
1. Bridge Loading 2. Geotechnical Bridge Topics 3. Foundation Bridge Topics 4. Concrete Materials 5. Reinforced Concrete 6. Prestressed Concrete 7. Bridge Topics in Steel 8. Economical Design of Steel Bridges 9. Bearings 10. Deck Joints 11. Constructability 12. Construction QC 13. Barrier and Railings
See detailed course outline here
C56 Practical Topics in Bridge Engineering: Asset Management & Supplemental Topics
Course C55 and C56 are intended to cover smaller bridge topics, none of which are suited to a full-length course on their own but useful when combined. Note that, while the two courses are intended to be complimentary, one course is not a prerequisite for the other. Each class will be led by a different instructor, a local specialist on that class topic.
While intended for bridge engineers with 1-5 years working experience, we expect many aspects will be relevant to bridge engineers of all experience levels. Students are expected to have access to key course materials including CSA S6:19 Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code through their own means.
Selected Topics:
1. Durability and Service Life 2. Inspection 3. Evaluation and Load Rating 4. Repair/Rehab/Strengthening 5. Repair/Rehab/Strengthening of Timber 6. Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit 7. Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit – Site Visit to Oak Street Bridge 8. Retaining Walls Types and Design 9. Bridge Hydraulics 10. Infrastructure Delivery / Specifications 11. Accelerated Bridge Construction 12. BIM and Design Automation 13. Pedestrian Bridges & Aesthetics
See detailed course outline here
E1 Masonry Design of Buildings
This course is intended to provide the practicing engineers with the skills and knowledge required for effective design of masonry buildings according to the recently updated Canadian Masonry Standard CSA S304-24. The main focus is on design concepts and practical field applications of Canadian masonry construction. The course curriculum has an increased emphasis on seismic design issues, including an overview of the National Building Code of Canada 2020 (NBC 2020) and CSA S304 seismic provisions for masonry structures. The course resources, Masonry Design for Engineers and Architects and the Seismic Design Guide (an online publication), are complimentary.
Selected Topics:
Masonry materials and components; basic design considerations for masonry structures per CSA S304; design of masonry beams; design of masonry walls for axial load and bending, including slenderness effects; an overview of the NBC 2020 seismic design provisions; seismic design and detailing of masonry shear walls; modelling and structural analysis of masonry buildings for gravity and lateral loads; design of veneer walls; construction and sustainability issues; masonry specifications and design notes.
E5-1 Seismic Design of Concrete Buildings
As a design course the objective is to transfer design and detailing philosophy for the design of the concrete seismic load resisting system. It will spend essentially no time on how to determine the seismic forces on the building or distribute those forces to the wall but will continue where the analysis finishes. The course will not cover the seismic background as this is covered in other SEABC courses. Hand calculations will be used for determining the reinforcing steel requirements for the concrete sections. The detailing requirements in A23.3 will be followed closely – the aim of this course is to have students be able to detail concrete structures in a way that meets Code requirements and produces a system that will be behave well under seismic loading. Very little time will spent during the course on theoretical or laboratory studies.
Selected Topics:
Capacity design principles, hierarchy of failure, RdRo values for concrete systems, ductility, moment capacity of walls, shear capacity of walls, effect of Rd values on wall system design, couple wall systems, footing design for shear walls, moment frames, concrete diaphragms, conventional construction and detailing requirements of the gravity frame systems.
E7 Seismic Strengthening of Existing Structures
Design philosophy of seismic retrofit; Evaluation and assessment of existing structures; Strength testing of materials; Discussion of pros and cons of commonly used retrofit schemes; Decision process for selecting retrofit scheme; Implementation of proposed seismic retrofit system; Practical considerations and rule-of-thumb guidelines.
Selected Topics:
Discussion of NBC, NRC, ASCE, FEMA guidelines, and current BC Ministry of Education guidelines for schools; review of case studies by local consultants; evaluation of common existing buildings and material types found in B.C. including institutional, commercial, and historical; performance-based analysis and design including push-over analysis, response spectra, and time history analysis; traditional upgrades involving concrete, steel, masonry, and timber, and “non-traditional” retrofit schemes such as fibre-reinforced polymers (FRP) wrap, dampers, and isolation.
E10 Structural Analysis Fundamentals: A Refresher
This elective course is intended to provide a refresher of statics, strength of materials and simple and basic structural analysis concepts with applications in the design office. Starting from basics, the topics covered will also have direct applicability to other Certificate courses. Emphasis is placed on hand calculations rather than the use of computer programs, in order to allow for conceptual understanding and implementation in spreadsheet or electronic worksheet applications.
Selected Topics:
Statics - freebody diagrams, shear and bending moment diagrams, relationship between shear and bending moment, moving loads;
Cross-sectional Properties – moment of inertia, transformed moment of inertia, polar moment of inertia;
Elastic Stresses in Beams – flexural stresses in beams with different materials, shear stresses and shear flow, shear centre, torsional stresses;
Deformations of Structures – curvature and bending moment, the moment-area method, deformations of frames and trusses using energy methods, settlements;
Moment Distribution – distribution factors, non-prismatic members, flexible and yielding supports, frames with and without side sway; Stability analysis.
Diaphragm and Shear Wall Rigidity Analysis.
E11 National Building Code (NBC) Part 4 - Structural Design
This elective course will provide structural engineers with a detailed understanding of the Part 4 (Structural Design) provisions of the 2020 National Building Code. Students will learn both Code requirements as well as background information required to implement them. Some prior knowledge of Part 4 requirements is recommended and access to the Code provisions is required. Access to the most recently available Supplement to the National Building Code is also required.
Selected Topics:
Introduction -applicability, organization, climatic data; Limit States Design - theory, limit states, principal and companion load combinations; Live Loads Due to Occupancy; Snow and Rain Loading - Code factors, drifts and accumulations for different roof configurations, special cases, ponding; Wind Loading - theoretical behavior, climate values, exposure factors, dynamic and gust effects, internal and external pressure coefficients; Seismic Loads - seismicity, minimum design forces, base shear factors, analysis methods; Vibrations and Impact Loading; Foundations and Excavations - temporary excavations, shallow foundations, deep foundations, case studies.
E12 Design of Steel Structures for Seismic Resistance
This course provides students with the practical skills and knowledge for effective design of structural steel seismic force resisting systems for buildings using the National Building Code of Canada. Emphasis will be on the practical design, detailing and production of quality design documents. Basic knowledge of structural steel design is required. This course was developed in response to the need for practicing structural engineers to have a solid understanding of fundamental seismic design and detailing in steel that will meet or exceed the requirements of CSA S16 clause 27. Reference text: "CISC Handbook for Steel Construction", 10th edition. Although not prerequisite to this course, students are encouraged to have taken the course "C13 - Structural Steel Design". Emphasis on this course is the design of ductile structural steel seismic systems using Code provisions.
Selected Topics:
Capacity design principles. Concentrically braced frames (tension-compression, chevron and tension-only). Buckling restrained and eccentrically braced frames. Moment resisting frames. Conventional construction and limitations. Diaphragms, chords and collectors. Advanced topics and current research. Limited coverage of foundation design. NBCC 2015 provisions for base shear in low and high seismic regions. Seismic design for industrial structures using Annex M of S16-14.
E13 Computer Software Applications In Structural Engineering
This course provides an overview on the application of computer software tools in Structural Engineering. The course is a combination of lectures and hands-on lab sessions. Commonly used computer programs in Structural Engineering, such as Mathcad, ETABS, SAP2000 and S-FRAME, will be used during the course to demonstrate the implementation of concepts/applications discussed during the lectures. Participants will learn the capabilities of the latest computer software for Structural Engineering analysis. Various structural analysis techniques for seismic analysis such as, response spectra, linear time-history and an introduction to nonlinear analyses will be discussed. Throughout the course, simple example problems will allow the students to implement the concepts discussed during the lectures. Topics covered include modeling capabilities and limitations, building/modifying models, viewing and evaluating results. Time will be available during the lab sessions to discuss specific engineering problems that the participants may want to model with one of the software packages. Participants will be required to solve homework assignments using any of structural analysis computer programs. Participants that complete all the assignments in a satisfactory manner will receive a passing mark for this course. Students are expected to have access to structural analysis software capable of performing dynamic analyses or use the UBC lab facility for their assignments.
Selected Topics:
Mathcad tutorials, structural analysis techniques, selected analytical sample building models in ETABS, SAP2000 or S-FRAME, common modeling pitfalls, effect of boundary conditions, debugging/modifying and changing the selected example problems to solve a structural analysis problem.
E14 Prestressed and Post-Tensioned Concrete Design
This course is intended to provide the participants with knowledge and understanding of prestressed and post-tensioned design and construction. The course will focus on practical aspects of designing elements and structures using prestressed and post-tensioned construction. In situ cast in place and off-site pre-cast construction will be covered. Relevant codes and other industry documents will be reviewed. The course will also discuss seismic aspects of precast and post-tensioned construction. Example problems will be used to illustrate the design theory.
Reference textbooks Prestressed Concrete Basics, Collins & Mitchell and the Metric Design Manual, CPCI (new edition) and Post-Tensioned Buildings Design and Construction, Bijan O. Aalami.
Pre-requisite: Course C12 Practical Design of Reinforced Concrete.
Although not prerequisite to this course, students are encouraged to have taken the course E21 Design of Two-Way Slab.
Selected Topics:
Principles of prestressed concrete, design of prestressed concrete elements, precast concrete products; design and manufacturing, principles of post-tensioned concrete design, P/T design of elements and floors, bonded and unbonded P/T construction, P/T construction specifications, seismic aspects of prestressed and post-tensioned concrete. Construction field trips, if practical, are also to be arranged during the course.
E15 Applications of Dynamic Analysis for Seismic Design of Structures
The emphasis of this course will be on practical aspects related to the use of dynamic analysis and nonlinear response of seismic force resisting elements for evaluating the seismic performance of structures. It will provide an overview on the effective use and implementation of modern tools of dynamic analysis of new and existing buildings. The course was developed in response to the need for structural engineers to better understand how to use dynamic analysis and nonlinear response for the design of buildings that will require this type of analysis in accordance with the NBCC 2010. It will be a combination of lectures and hands-on exercises to be carried out with modern computer programs commonly used in engineering practice.
Participants in this course will receive a set of class notes and a copy of a computer program that will be used to solve the assigned homework problems. Each lecture in the course will include, in general, a review of the basic concept being discussed, a discussion of the practical implementation of the concept and illustrative examples, and a homework assignment that will allow them to implement and gain some experience related to the material discussed in class. And at the end of the course a term project, which will encompass all the topics discussed during the course, will be assigned to the students.
Selected Topics:
The topics to be covered during the course are: 1) Review of basic concepts of structural dynamics; 2) Response spectrum and ductility concepts; 3) Basics of response history analysis; 4) 2D and 3D dynamic analysis of buildings including building irregularities; 5) Introduction to the inelastic response of buildings (moment frame, shear wall and braced frame systems); 6) Analysis of base-isolated structures; 7) Analysis of buildings with energy dissipation devices; 8) Analysis of buildings with viscous and friction dampers.
E16-1 Introduction to Cables and Cable Systems
This course introduces common cable types used in structural engineering. The exact equations commonly used to deal with cable catenaries will be derived and used to solve single cable problems. Students will write their own Mathcad solutions to solve real problems related to cable systems that undergo large deformations. Numerical examples will cover stay cables, suspension systems, moorings and transmission systems. The course will also cover the fabrication of cables and their erection in the field. A discussion of the evolution of cable-supported bridges will also be included. Furthermore, the course will discuss cable vibration issues and their mitigation.
Selected Topics:
Each class will consist of mix of:
1) In-class derivations of the course notes, 2) Numerical examples, and 3) Presentations of real applications.
The course will make extensive use of Mathcad 15. The use of the required Mathcad 15 features will be discussed in class and 15 minutes at the end of some classes will be used to provide hands on Mathcad help. The problems CANNOT be solved using Excel.
The SEABC C9 course will be an asset, but not a prerequisite for this course.
E16-2 Cables and Cable Systems 2
This course expands the cable and bar solution methods introduced in E16-1 for use in solving small 3 dimensional, non-linear structural systems using stiffness matrices in Mathcad15. Numerical examples will cover a 2 dimensional three linked bar system, suspension bridge erection cases and a simple 3 dimensional guyed structure. The course will also include a presentation of a 350 m long suspension bridge as a case study.
The course will make extensive use of Mathcad 15 and is a course requirement. Students are expected to have a working knowledge of Mathcad 15 gained from Course E16-1 to follow the lectures and perform the assignments. For those unfamiliar with Mathcad 15, they can obtain knowledge from the textbook which has examples to learn from and tips to follow.
Selected Topics:
•Solving Nonlinear Bar Systems, System Numbering, Bar Stiffness Matrix and Bar Load Vector.
•Solving Nonlinear Bar Systems, Solution Algorithm with and without path information, deformed bar chains.
•Solving Nonlinear Bar Systems, 3 linked bars, influence of step size and suspension bridge bar chain with 28 elements.
•Solving Nonlinear Bar System, suspension bridge bar chain erection with and without deck.
•Stiffness matrix for a catenary cable element, local 6x6 matrix for a cable with a given USL.
•Stiffness matrix for a catenary cable element, local 6x6 matrix for a cable with a force constraint. General local cable element matrix.
•Cable Forces acting on Nodes, and Cable data format and 3D example of 3 cables supporting a mast. Cable elements in global coordinates.
•Cable Functions for local and global loading and summary of all cable elements.
•Solutions of Cables and Bars.
•Plotting the geometry and defining the forces in deflected cables, summary of functions.
•Example solutions of small cable and bar systems. Preview of E16-3.
E16-3 Cables and Cable Systems 3
This course provides a number of applications of the cable and bar solution methods introduced in E16-2 including overhead transmission line systems considering flexible attachments, stay cable bridge tuning, suspension cable bridge tuning as well as hybrid suspension bridge systems. The course will also include a presentation on the history of the development of cable-stayed bridge forms.
This course uses the cable and bar solution methods introduced in E16-1 and E16-2 for solving small 3 dimensional, non-linear structural systems using functions previously developed in Mathcad15. Thus E16-2 is a pre-requisite for E16-3.
Selected Topics:
•Conductors with Insulators, Cable and bar elements with different span loads. Brief Discussion of Conical pole P-Delta effects.
•Stay Cable and Suspension Systems, Cable-Stayed System: Define Truss, Cables and Tower.
•Presentation on Cable Stayed Form Development
•Stay Cable and Suspension Systems, Cable-Stayed System: Erection stages.
•Stay Cable and Suspension Systems, Geometry Estimation.
•Hybrid Suspension Systems.
•Three-dimensional cable support of a stadium light board with cable failure case.
•3420m long cable crossing (BC record holder at time of construction) under wind loading.
•3420m long cable crossing under updated wind loading + erection history.
•Mode Shapes of Cables, both under deal load and extreme wind load.
•Introduction to Vertical Cables.
E21 Design of Two-Way Slab
To provide an overall understanding of two-way slab behaviour and practice designing a two-way slabs within a multi-story building.
Upon successful completion of this course: (1) Conduct design using direct design method & 3-D linear elastic analysis, (2) Understand ultimate failure mode and Yield Line theory, (3) Conduct deflection and creep analysis, (4) Conduct punching shear and shear reinforcement, (5) Understand formwork and shoring requirement of constructing a multi story building with two-way slabs.
Selected Topics:
A comprehensive overview of two-way slab design including elastic design, inelastic design and deflection analysis, yield line theory as well as punching shear and shear reinforcement.
Pre-requisite course: C12 Practical Design of Reinforced Concrete, or equivalent.
E22 Introduction to Heavy Timber Design
This course presents an introduction to the structural design aspects of heavy timber construction. It is for engineers who seek the basic skills and knowledge required for the design with heavy timber as a building material.
There are no pre-requisite courses required from the Certificate in Structural Engineering Program, but students should have a background in mechanics of materials, structural analysis and lateral loading.
Access to Mathcad program is required to complete this course successfully. a student license can be purchased at point of registration.
Selected Topics:
Topics include wood science, gravity members, connections and lateral-force resisting members.
This course is intended to provide the student with a basic ability to design with heavy timber as a building material.
This course is delivered through lectures, laboratory testing, assignments and final exam.
E23 Performance-based Seismic Design of Buildings
Provide basic concepts for the seismic analysis and design of buildings using a performance-based approach (PBSD). We want to keep this course as practical as possible by using commercial software to apply every concept and modelling aspect of different building typologies.
We will cover essential topics like the dynamics of buildings under earthquake excitations to set a solid base for more complex dynamic analyses. Our notes will cover a wide range of issues we have learned over the years based on our experience designing and assessing different types of buildings on the West Coast of North America, combining guidelines and codes from the US and Canada.
Selected Topics:
Basic Concepts in Dynamic of Structures; Basic Concepts of PBSD; Introduction to PBSD in Buildings; The Base Excitation; Modelling Aspects for PBSD; Analysis Aspects for PBSD; Performance Criteria; Current Code Requirements and Documentation
E24 Introduction to Port and Marine Structures
This course discusses the fundamentals of marine structural engineering and the unique aspects of construction in marine environment. The intent is to help participants apply their structural engineering knowledge to the planning and design of ports and marine terminals. Participants will also learn about the multidisciplinary aspects of marine structural engineering for effective interaction with other professionals and stakeholders involved in marine infrastructure projects.
Selected Topics:
Introduction to ports, harbours and marine infrastructure; Function, type and configuration of marine structures; Multidisciplinary aspects of marine structural engineering; Marine environment (wind, wave, current, tide); Vessel types and characteristics; Functional and operational criteria for marine terminals; Conceptual design considerations; Design loads for marine structures; Ship berthing and design of fenders; Ship mooring and design of mooring systems; Wave and current loads; Introduction to performance-based seismic design of marine structures; Selection of design codes and load combinations. Construction in marine environment; Selection and durability of construction materials in marine environment; Overview of configuration and design of fixed-base structures, gravity-base structures and floating structures; Overview of condition assessment, maintenance, rehabilitation and upgrade of marine structures.
E25 Structural Health Monitoring
This course covers basic principles of seismic structural health monitoring and provides the students with additional knowledge about the different vibration measurement techniques; instrumentation type and sensor location selection for real life structures; structural condition evaluation; and damage detection for civil engineering structures.
Simple demonstrations and experiments will be conducted during class hours.
Selected Topics:
Review of Structural Dynamics; Modal Damping Calculation Methods; Data Acquisition Systems and Measurement Instruments (e.g., Data Recorders, acceleration sensors, A/D converters, etc.); Fast Fourier Transform (e.g., Power Spectral Density Spectrum); Basic Data Analysis methods (e.g., Sampling, Baseline Correction, Decimation; Aliasing, convolution and correlation of signals, etc.); Designing Digital filters (e.g., Low-pass, High-pass, band-pass filters); structural properties extraction from vibration data (e.g., Modal frequency, damping ratio, and mode shapes); Simple Damage Detection methods for high rise buildings (e.g., natural frequency based, permanent displacement based, and wave propagation based methods).
For each topic to be discussed, the theory behind the concept will be introduced and explained first, and then many illustrative practically-oriented examples will be presented and discussed.
E26 Long Span Bridge Cable Systems
This elective course introduces students to the design of long span, cable supported bridges. There are no prerequisites for the course, however, students are expected to be familiar with and have an elementary understanding of finite element analysis.
Selected Topics:
This course focuses on the two cardinal cable forms used in bridge engineering: stay cables and suspension cables. After a review of the different types of cables commonly employed in cable bridges today and their mechanical properties, the course will explore the geometric form and deformation characteristics of stay and suspension cables. Students will learn how to correctly calculate and model the geometry of cables, and the approximate equations that can be used to simplify their design. In addition, students will learn the different behavioural traits that make cables unique from other structural members and the parameters that affect those traits. This fundamental knowledge will then be applied to examine and study the conceptual design of cable-stayed and suspension bridges.
E27 Seismic Isolation & Supplemental Energy Dissipation for New Buildings
This course will outline the provisions in NBC 2020 regarding seismic isolation (SI) and supplemental energy dissipation (SED), per Articles to .22, and the related material in Commentary J.
(Note: seismic isolation is also referred to as “base isolation”)
The purpose of the course is to provide attendees more information on the process, from preliminary analysis/design through detailed analysis/design through construction implementation, regarding the use of a variety of SI and SED devices in new buildings to meet NBC requirements.
Selected Topics:
Basics of seismic isolation and supplemental energy dissipation; NBC 2020 Articles to .23, and Commentary J; Ground motion time history selection for 3D analyses; plus site specific response analysis; Analysis: response spectra, pushover, 3D non-linear time history; SED: Friction dampers; SED: Buckling restrained bracing (for unique conditions outside of code SFRS); SED: Viscous dampers; SED: Visco-elastic dampers; SI: Friction pendulum bearings; SI: Elastomeric bearings (natural rubber, lead core); may be combined with flat sliders; Testing of SED and SI devices; Non-structural components.
E28 Design of Multi-Storied Concrete Buildings
This course is intended to provide engineers with guidance on design of mid- to high-rise concrete buildings. Practical consideration in design of mid- to high-rise buildings will be discussed in accordance to recently developed Building Professional Practice Guidelines for Structural Engineers Service for Tall Concrete Building Projects in by Engineers and Geoscientists BC.
Selected Topics:
Design for Gravity Loads: considerations for estimating applied loads in tall concrete buildings, design of columns and bearing walls, design of floor slabs, design of transfer girders and transfer slabs, design of foundations, and miscellaneous considerations.
Design for Lateral Wind Forces: considerations for determining wind forces, the Serviceability Limit State (SLS) and Ultimate Limit State (ULS) criteria, modelling considerations, strength design of the Lateral Force Resisting System (LFRS) for wind forces, and the use of supplementary damping systems.
Design for Earthquake Ground Motions: considerations for preliminary design, determining seismic demands using Linear Dynamic Analysis, design of concrete shear wall cores, refined analysis of structure below plastic hinge zone;
Design of Gravity-Load Resisting Frames for seismic deformation demands, advanced design issues, and the evaluation of life safety performance using Non-linear Dynamic Analysis.
E29 Python for Structural Engineers
While the computer is now one of the primary tools applied for structural engineering, engineers are often confined to working within commercial applications. Many engineers rely upon spreadsheets to provide interoperability and data transfer but often run into road blocks that are circumnavigated by performing manual data manipulation. The Python programming language is a free and open-source tool that has become preeminent in the fields of science and engineering due to its ease-of-use, its efficient numerical computation libraries, and ability to share reproducible calculations through the Jupyter Notebook format.
This course provides training in developing custom programs for productivity in structural engineering.
Upon successful completion of course, students are expected to be able design small Python programs to aid in automated structural analysis, produce publishable design calculation sheets in Jupyter Lab, develop customized data manipulation pipelines for handling large volumes of structural post-processing, and build simple, web-based design applications you can deploy within your company.
Selected Topics:
Python language fundamentals; software validation and testing; open-source tools for beam, frame, and sectional analysis; interfacing with Excel and tabular data formats; reading text-based data files; manipulating geometrical data; use of open source software in commercial settings
E30 Soil-Structure Interaction in Earthquake Design: Theory and Practice
This course covers fundamental concepts and practical aspects of Soil Structure Interaction (SSI) in earthquake engineering, and will provide the student with a background necessary for understanding and performing SSI seismic analyses and design of buildings and bridge structures.
Selected Topics:
Soil Structure Interaction is an interdisciplinary field of endeavor which lies at the intersection of soil and structural mechanics, soil and structural dynamics, earthquake engineering, geophysics and geomechanics, material science, computational and numerical methods, and diverse other technical disciplines. Most civil structures, especially bridges, are built on or inside the ground. When analyzing such a structure, there might be a great difference in the resulting values when considering ground conditions during the analysis. The ground conditions must be taken into consideration to obtain realistic analytical results, such as the behavior of the actual structure subjected to severe ground shaking.