Design with Hollow Structural Steel

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Bradlee Fletcher, SE from Atlas Tubes will present on technical design topics on current understanding to shape future trends with hollow structural steel (HSS):

  • The New ASTM A1085 specification.
  • De-mystifying HSS connections.
  • Concrete filled HSS tubes.

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This is a past event. Do not book a ticket unless you have been specifically instructed to do so by the event organiser.


Although Hollow Structural Steel (HSS) designs have been routine since 1920’s, current bold applications with curved, twisted and composite combinations are redefining the potential freedom of design expression offered by Hollow Structural Steel.

Bradlee Fletcher, SE from Atlas Tubes will present on technical design topics on current understanding to shape future trends with HSS:

  • The New ASTM A1085 specification adopted in early 2013 elevates the production of HSS to higher standards, raising the bar on the performance of HSS used in structures subjected to seismic and fatigue related loads.  With tighter material tolerances, a higher minimum yield stress, a required Charpy V-Notch test, and cap on the minimum yield stress, this new specification makes designing with HSS easier and more economical, especially for buildings and bridges subjected to fatigue and seismic loads.
  • De-mystifying HSS connections will highlight areas of HSS connection design often overlooked or misunderstood.  It will discuss similarities and the subtle differences between HSS connections and other types of connections for tension, shear, moment and truss applications.
  • Concrete filled HSS tubes will provide overview on composite design details and tips for its successful applications.

Presenter: Brad Fletcher, S.E., senior sales engineer at Atlas Tube
Date: Tuesday, October 17
Time: Refreshments at 6:00 pm; Presentation at 6:30 pm
Venue: Room C150, UBC Robson Square, 800 Robson Street, Vancouver

