NBC 2015 Commentary L

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Commentary L of NBC 2015 provides model guidelines for the appropriate level of seismic upgrading of existing buildings of various vintages and deficiency levels.

Andy Metten, Ron DeVall and John Sherstobitoff will discuss the repair and seismic upgrading of several heritage buildings in Vancouver over the past five years along with the need for and the development of guidelines for doing this type of work.

ALERT: We have opened up the overflow seating to allow more members to attend!

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Vancouver has many heritage buildings dating back to the early 1900’s. These buildings form an important part of the fabric of the city but are woefully inadequate from many standpoints including seismic resistance. Commentary L is the only part of the National Building Code that does not specifically pertain only to new buildings, and a refinement of the seismic provisions in that Commentary was done for the development of NBC 2015 such that there could be model guidelines on the appropriate level of seismic upgrading of existing buildings of various vintages and deficiency levels.

A recent initiative to upgrade thirteen Single Room Occupancy hotels (SRO Hotels) on Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside resulted in putting into practice the upgrading techniques for multistory unreinforced masonry buildings with soft stories, weak diaphragms and unreinforced load bearing masonry. The project also exposed several issues with the present Code requirements for the upgrading of heritage and other existing buildings that are being renovated or expanded.

This talk discusses the repair and seismic upgrading of several heritage buildings in Vancouver over the past five years along with the need for and the development of guidelines for doing this type of work. The position of present Canadian building codes on heritage upgrading and the development of NBC 2015 Commentary L will be discussed with examples. A talk and PowerPoint presentation will be followed by a question and answer panel discussion.

Andy Metten, P.Eng., Struct.Eng. (Bush Bohlman & Parnters LLP)
Ron DeVall, PhD, P.Eng. (Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd.)
John Sherstobitoff, P.Eng. (Ausenco)
Date: Thursday, November 30
Time: Refreshments at 6:00 pm; Presentation at 6:30 pm
Venue: Theatre C300, UBC Robson Square, 800 Robson Street, Vancouver

